Clara loves to play with my make-up; in the containers of you think i would actually let her touch the make-up part?!? My make-up is expensive!!! Once she figures out there is stuff inside I have to take it away from her, but until then, more power to her!! :) I put my make-up on, in my bedroom, in front of my hanging door mirror, so i always put Clara next me; she loves watching me put my make-up on...she really loves watching my rummage through all the stuff in the make-up bag!! So...that's what she is imitating.. i think...then she chews on the container, i don't do that :) I love spending time with Clara; even if it's just during a make-up application...she makes everything fun & very interesting!! :) Here are some picks from yesterday's make-up time :)

So... my child also loves to play with hangers; i buy all these super-cute toys and if she has a choice, she chooses the hanger every time!! :) It is kinda cute, though!! Here's a video of Clara playing with her favorite toy!!
Oh yeah, I forgot ...Clara is getting her first two bottom teeth!!!
Will write again soon!! Enjoy!!