Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Week of Bad News!!! :(

So...Sam & I have been waiting for weeks to find out where we would be stationed next. We were hoping for something new & exciting; like Hawaii or Seattle, but we found out a few days ago that we will be staying in Virginia Beach!!! Of course when we found out we were shocked ad super disappointed, but now that is has sunk in a little bit; it's not too bad. ...Then, Sam & I were thinking about moving into a townhome in the next few months (we were hoping sometime before Christmas)...but then we found out we are stuck in our apartment until January and we can't get out of the lease unless we pay two months rent, $2,000!! Needless to say this hasn't been the best week, but we are trying to make the best of things!! Sam was definitely disappointed about our new station location, but he is very excited about his new job; he will be starting sometime in January. I will have Sam post more info on his new job and new ship asap. We'll write again soon!!! Love ya'll ;)